XWAU Discord channel and a small sneak-peak...

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XWAU Discord channel and a small sneak-peak...

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Post by Forceflow » Fri Jun 09, 2023 12:12 pm

Hi guys,

after much debate we finally decided to give you guys the chance to talk to us on discord. We don't have our own server, but Angel from the TFTC graciously setup a channel on their discord server. In there you will find a little corner for the XWAU where we might drop by from time to time. Note that our primary communication channel still is the forum here. Bug reports, support requests and other topics are best asked here. We will drop by on the discord server from time to time, but the channel wont be closely monitored!

And to show you guys that we are still hard at work upgrading the game here a little sneak peak of one (of many, many) new backdrops that we are working on:
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Post by rogue518 » Sun Jun 11, 2023 3:42 pm

Forceflow beautiful..
planet. I assume majority of the planets may have an update?

Sincerely, Rogue518
'Stay in Attack formation!' Darth Vader aka: Anakin Skywalker During the 'Battle Of Yavin'

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Post by Forceflow » Sun Jun 11, 2023 4:03 pm

rogue518 wrote:
Sun Jun 11, 2023 3:42 pm
Forceflow beautiful..
planet. I assume majority of the planets may have an update?

Sincerely, Rogue518
Actually all of them, it's still not quite clear on how to deal with the super backdrops but we have the ability to finally truly add new backdrops instead of having to replace existing ones. So there will be a replacement for all current planets while also keeping the super backdrops with the chance of even a few new planets being added. (Though don't get too excited on the last part, for now I am pretty burned out with creating all the replacements)
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Post by rogue518 » Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:10 pm

Understood.. hell you and the whole team are doing a fantastic job, and deserves a break... ;)

Sincerely, Rogue518

'Stay in Attack formation!' Darth Vader aka: Anakin Skywalker During the 'Battle Of Yavin'

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Post by PunkFriday » Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:15 pm

thank you all for your hard work all these years!

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Post by Kel9509 » Sat Jun 17, 2023 5:18 am

Is there a roadmap or a plan for what you're working on? I wasn't aware that the planets would be upgraded again, so that's great. But is this all according to a plan or are you working on items that need it as you see fit?

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Post by Forceflow » Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:01 pm

Kel9509 wrote:
Sat Jun 17, 2023 5:18 am
Is there a roadmap or a plan for what you're working on? I wasn't aware that the planets would be upgraded again, so that's great. But is this all according to a plan or are you working on items that need it as you see fit?
In case of the planets that was a bit of a happy accident. I was working on redoing the mission pictures for the new HD rework and some of those feature planets that I wanted to redo. In the course of doing this I realized that I could potentially create high resolution planet models in Blender. And those were actually good enough that I could not only create hd shots for the mission pictures but could use them for the mission backdrops as well.

So I set forth and recreated pretty much all planets. This wasn't planned at all, it just happened. This is pretty much the same for everything, the reason the XWAU still exists after 20 years is because everybody just does what they want to do.
Plus of course the fact that our resident wizards JeremyaFr and blue_max keep making new stuff possible. So there's always new stuff to do all of a sudden. (Like the whole HD reworks)
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Post by adambishop » Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:13 am

This is awesome stuff! Hope you guys find new stuff to work on for years to come! Thanks.

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Post by Avarice1987 » Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:55 pm

Very nice work

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